Technology has dramatically changed the way we all live our daily lives. Many of us are surrounded by smartphones and computers either at work or at home, giving us the ability to easily gather information, create and share content, socialise, shop, and play games.
The advances in technology have given us a multitude of capabilities, too many to list in fact, however one particular area in which technology is changing is the senior adult care sector.
The care industry is facing many issues such as staff shortages, more complex health issues to deal with and higher volumes of people needing support. Although not a direct solution to these problems, the advances in technology is helping improve the standard of adult care by enabling elderly people to live independently, taking the strain off the shortage of carers.
According to a Research Report by the National Conference of State Legislatures and the AARP Public Policy Institute, ‘nearly 90 percent of people over age 65 want to stay in their home for as long as possible.’ The possibility for more and more older people to continue living independently is increasing and technology is helping with this.
Gadgets In The Home
With so many programs and gadgets available it’s easy for users to communicate with people both inside and outside of the home. So having access to smartphones and tablets gives endless means to stay in touch with family and friends. Programs such as Skype and WhatsApp can give any elderly person access to instant messaging and video chat. Giving this demographic the capability to easily reach out to loved ones with the right technology can make them feel close to others, while continuing to live independently.
Other useful devices that are improving senior home care are the various Telecare systems available today. This helpful bit of technology is designed to alert outside help if there are any problems detected in the home. Telecare systems include covering gas leaks, fire, dispensing medicine, movement detection, and many more.
Personal alarms such as the ones we provide here at Telecare Choice also play a major part in how technology is redefining senior home care. Pendants can help make living alone feel safer. At the touch of a button, or after a fall, the personal alarm can call for assistance. These devices reduce the need of having a carer present and can put family and friends’ minds at ease knowing their loved one is safe.
Mobility devices are also at the forefront of how senior home care is improving and allowing the elderly to live independently. Stair lifts and scooters, which are continually being improved or re-invented, are a vital product to help immobile or frail people around their homes or where they live. Having the ability to get around as normal in your advancing years is important not only in terms of general health, but also in terms of mindset, and having that ability to live independently without relying on someone else to get you around.
Even though the majority of tech giants aren’t focusing their attention on the older generation, what is available is certainly making a difference to the elderly living at home and also carers too.
Telecare Choice is playing a role in trying to improve home-care life for the elderly and disabled. Take a look at our products and services. To find out more about our service, give our friendly team a call on 0800 635 7000.