Hospitals turning into care homes
With the NHS facing it's 'worst winter' yet, there seems to be no let up on the pressure hospitals are facing, with huge numbers of patients bed-blocking. Read more from the Telegraph.
These patients generally have no where else to go for care, and are most commonly elderly people. They may come into hospital due to illness or a fall at home, but can't go home by themselves or into a residential home. They may not be able to get a bed in a residential care home or they may not have the large finances to pay the fees.
Testing the NHS
Even though hospitals have already given and even finished giving medical treatment to these older and more frail patients they still can't be discharged. With these patients, known as "bed blockers", remaining in hospitals the NHS struggles to find space and resources for new arrivals.
The figures for October – before the winter rush – showed bed blocking at its highest recorded level, with 160,000 unnecessary days spent in NHS hospitals in England.
Telecare referrals
Unfortunately, as pointed out by The Telegraph, many families during the holidays also take advantage of NHS hospitals. During Christmas it can be common for relatives to leave the elderly in the care of hospitals, which greatly drains their resources.
If you consider a patient or a loved one to be unnecessarily kept in hospital without medical need, a Telecare alarm may be a good solution. It could enable someone to go back home after a fall or illness, without breaking the bank!
Unlike being left in a hospital ward, a Telecare alarm would provide a return of independence but in a safe manner. If help is ever needed a simple pendent alarm can be pressed for help.
If you're interested, find out more about a Telecare referral to help the elderly stay our of hospitals. Or simply phone us for a chat on 0800 635 7000.