In this week’s news article, we will be focusing on just one current story about what happens to your body when you have high blood pressure and we’ll give you some advice on what steps you can take to lower it and prevent risks such as a heart attack or stroke.
It is estimated that around 12.5 million people in the UK suffer from high blood pressure and according to the American Heart Association, you can lower your blood pressure by eating a healthy diet – amongst other things.
What does having high blood pressure mean?
High blood pressure can also be referred to as Hypertension, which is a condition which qualifies you for a discounted rate (excluding VAT) on your Telecare Alarm. Basically, your heart pumps blood too strongly into your artery walls which then puts a strain on all the blood vessels in your body. This strain therefore means it’s more likely for blockages to occur which could weaken the brain or burst the vessel, possibly resulting in a stroke down the line.
How to lower your blood pressure
An obvious answer to this is medication, but there are lots of natural ways as well. Walking is a great way to exercise and contributes hugely to making your heart stronger, as well as reducing the pressure in your arteries! Even just walking around your garden could help. Don’t forget, our Telecare pendants have a 100m range so you can feel at ease when doing so. If you’re not as steady on your feet as you once were, walking aids can help with this.
Another major factor of high blood pressure is stress. The more stressed you are, the faster your heart is going to beat, causing that pressure to continue building in your arteries. Ways to reduce stress are simple – relaxation is key to fight stress. Even by listening to soothing music like jazz, which is scientifically proven to regulate mood, can help you.
Something else than can help relax you is our Telecare service. 24/7 help whenever you need it is bound to bring peace of mind, especially as it’s just one push of a button away. Not only does it bring peace of mind to you, but your family and friends as well.
One most of you will love… eating dark chocolate or cocoa! Too much however will cause more problems, but small amounts of this luxury, believe it or not, will help to dilate your blood vessels! This is because they contain plant compounds that help relax blood vessels, lowering your blood pressure. So, all in all, don’t feel guilty for treating yourself occasionally! A few other foods that you could try, which Dr Chris from This Morning reccommends are: eggs, oats, fruit and oily fish.