Birmingham is often seen as a youthful city, with 45.7% of residents estimated to be under 30. However, there are still a considerable amount of over 65-year-olds to care for. Below we explore how our Birmingham Telecare Service can help elderly residents in Birmingham stay in their homes longer.
Elderly on the rise
Currently, there is an estimated 9,537,708 residents of Birmingham over the age of 65. Although pensioners over 65 are only 13.1% of the population of Birmingham, this is a huge amount of people who may all at some point be in
need of care at home.
"The 2012 projections show that the number of older people in Birmingham will increase rapidly. The chart above shows that
estimates for over 65’s in Birmingham will increase to 193,700 between 2012 and 2032, an increase of 37.4%." - Birmingham City Council
Birmingham Telecare service
One way to support the increasing number of elderly residents in Birmingham is by referring them to use Telecare when they need help at home. Having a Telecare Service would enable those vulnerable to falls to keep their independence and give their families peace of mind.
Telecare Personal Alarm systems can alert our well trained staff at a UK call centre in the event of a fall. Within seconds someone will respond to your call for help and comfort you. We will then send help; from a family member to the emergency services, depending on the situation.
For health professionals
Not only will families benefit, but Birmingham's health care may benefit from reduced strain. Many older people who suffer from falls are kept in hospitals for longer than necessary because they have nowhere to go. Having our Birmingham Telecare Service, of an emergency panic button could enable many to go home with the knowledge that help is on call 24 hours a day.
If you are a health professional interested in learning more about Telecare and referrals please read through our website or give us a call on 0800 635 7000.
Have you referred a patient to Telecare? If so what has the response been, let us know by tweeting us @TelecareChoice on Twitter.