Professor James Ferguson, a senior consultant in emergency medicine at NHS Grampian, has warned that people of all ages, including pensioners, are seen needing emergency care from the use of legal highs.
What are legal highs?
‘Legal highs’ are usually made up of one or more chemical substances, that have similar affects to illegal drugs like cocaine and cannabis.
However, although labelled and sold as ‘legal highs’ some may contain ingredients that are illegal to possess.
The major concern is that often people do not know what is in the substances they are taking, and therefore don’t know the possible effects they will have on their health. Like with heroin, often other chemicals like bleach are used to bulk up the product. Of course most people would know not to consume bleach usually, but if you’re not aware it’s an ingredient it can be incredibly dangerous.
Pensioners getting their kicks
Professor James Ferguson states that he’s also seen some pensioners in their 60’s and 70’s experimenting with legal highs, who need hospital care.
“Professor Ferguson said the older people taking the legal highs are usually those who had dabbled in drugs like cocaine and heroin in their past.
But he’s worried that people don’t know what they’re getting when they buy the packaged legal highs.” – The Mirror
We have to remember that pensioners may seek out legal highs like anyone else, and unfortunately may suffer the consequences that they can cause.
If you know a pensioner who has used legal highs it’s important to share this information and provide appropriate people to talk to, such as a doctor or addiction facility if necessary.
Have your say
Have you been affected by this story? What do you think is the root cause of this issue of legal highs in pensioners? Have your say in the comments below.